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How do I access Sad Panda AKA Exhentai?

This is asked a lot by many people and existing explanations are overly complicated and unnecessary. You don't need to edit cookies or use any dumb extensions. This guide will work on every device even your phone, tv or even fridge (assuming it can access internet).

SadPanda ( is a subsidiary of easily accessible It contains more weird/shocking content like guro & lolicon which they don't want to put on their main site because of sponsors and advertisements.

To access it, all you need to do is follow this simple guide.

  1. If you have account you can skip to step 3. If you don't have it you need to register by clicking here.
  2. Do nothing / Wait exactly for a week (7 days). This is a requirement put on new accounts to access SadPanda. You can't speed it up. Just wait patiently.
  3. If you ever accessed and got the white screen, you need to clear your cookies. You can find info how to do it on google, just enter your browser name + how to clear cookies (on firefox you can use this extension to delete only one site's cookies).
  4. Now you need to login to your account on by clicking here.
  5. That's it. Now you can go to and fap away. If you still see a white screen you either need to wait some more time or you didn't clear your cookies.

This guide works on every browser without additional software, but there are extensions that add some convenience to browsing sadpanda. For example, I use this userscript for downloading galleries.

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